Dear Zoël

How much will you Sacrifice... for what you Love?

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Hispanic Image:

a letter from the creator

One of the main purposes of Dear Zoël is to portray the Hispanic community in a positive light and as participants in a universal story. More times than not, we see Hispanics portrayed in movies as uneducated, impoverished, ignorant, illegally immigrating, involved in gang violence or drug smuggling, and the list goes on and on. These negative images do exist in Latin America, as they exist in every society, but in American cinema and popular culture, the darker aspects of the Hispanic world have become the stereotype -- and thus the perceived reality.

As a 2nd generation U.S. Hispanic, I have a great deal of pride in both my American and Hispanic heritage. I grew up on both sides of the cultural fence, and I see both sides for what they really are – two distinct, rich, culturally diverse sides of the same human coin. In Dear Zoël, I strive to show the side of the coin that is so rarely, if ever, portrayed in American movies: Latinos as educated professionals, business owners, visionaries, artists, lovers and dreamers. I am striving to show the beautiful aspects of my heritage – both parts of it.

Thus my vision: to create a compelling, universal work of art that also contributes to the advancement of Latin American society and culture. I invite you to join me.

James Luis Boyette
Writer / Director / Producer